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The History of Crossroads

Historical Highlights

                                                 1998 – 2015

    Major Events in the Transitional Years 1998-2002

     Crossroads Presbyterian Church continued to grow and transition as a multi-racial/multi-cultural community of believers into the 21st Century.  The history of Crossroads was marked by prayer and vision from the 1970’s until the present. During the late 80’s and into the 90’s the changing demographics of the neighborhood as well as in the church community brought new challenges to Crossroads.  After the Crossroads pastor accepted a call for the West Coast, leaders made a decision to stay in the location at Redan and Panola Roads and Elward Ellis, an experienced black leader of college students and mission outreach to Africa  was asked to come to Crossroads as   supply pastor. Under Pastor Ellis’ leadership the multi-cultural/multi-racial congregation began to grow.  Membership in the white population at Crossroads stabilized and a number of new members from the local area, as well as others, who had immigrated from other countries, such as Jamaica and several African countries, were added to the congregation. 

    “Feel the Love” in 1998 and “Operation Outreach” in 2000 were intentionally planned outreaches to involve a sizable group of people from the congregation and to reach as many interested people in the neighborhood as possible.  During these events people in the surrounding neighborhoods would become acquainted with the servant-members of Crossroads Church.  “Feel the Love” included a Children’s Carnival, a Health Fair including a Men’s Health Forum, Marketplace Bazaar with local businesses featured.  A  Blood Mobile offered people from the church and community an opportunity to give to the larger public need for blood.  An evangelistic service on Thursday night and a Youth Night Evangelistic Service was held under a large tent at the back of the church.  Several people, including youth, responded to the message and gave their life to Christ.  Operation Outreach 2000 was another week-long initiative that also included a Market Bazaar and Health Fair.  It was expanded to address financial education needs and piano and soccer camps for children. 

      As always an informed prayer team undergirded these activities and was vital to their success.   The spiritual gifts of a variety of people from the church were acknowledged and utilized during these two major events. Crossroads was becoming known in the local community as a place for help and availability of needed resources for the neighborhood families.   


          Pastor Elward Ellis: Called, Ordained and Installed 2000

      After five years of serving the congregation as supply pastor and interim pastor,   Elward Ellis was called by Crossroad Church, ordained as a Presbyterian Minister, and installed as the official Pastor of Crossroads Church in 2000. His wife, Dr. Dawn Ellis, pediatrician, and Jonathan Ellis, 13 year old son, were also involved with the Crossroad congregation. 

      Pastor Ellis came to serve at Crossroads in 1995 as pulpit supply and also as interim pastor.   His background and experience had prepared him for serving a multi-cultural church.  Pastor Ellis had an interest in missions, both domestic and foreign which was integral to his ministry.  His experience as leader of the first Black Caucus of Black students in Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, his leadership in Destiny, a movement with emphasis on mission to African countries, and his leadership in racial reconciliation issues helped him to specifically minister, demonstrate and teach the members of Crossroads Church.  His M.Div. degree from Gordon Seminary qualified him for both teaching and preaching into the 21st Century. Now his call, ordination and installation placed him with a community of believers who wished to function and grow as a multi-cultural/multi-racial group of people who deeply desired to experience the love of God in the Body of Christ as well as reaching out to the surrounding community with the gospel of Christ.                      

                   Relationship Building in the Body of Christ

In 2000 questions began to surface in the congregation.  How do those who are used to being led by members of their own culture handle communicating honestly with those of another culture and/ race? Pastor Ellis and the session became aware of questions such as these. Two women were also aware and pondering these questions.  Dr. Dawn Ellis and Ann Derksen came forward and asked if they could lead a “season of equipping members to become more educated and capable to work together in harmony across diverse cultures”.  

The session discussed the need and plausibility of such a season.   It was then decided that the whole church, every member, family member and every regular attendee, be asked to meet in ” A Sacred Assembly” every week for seven weeks.  During this time it was hoped that by teaching, sharing of stories, dialogue in large and small groups, and reflection, the whole congregation would grow in understanding and love for one another and learn how better to communicate both questions and answers across cultural/racial differences.   Such a time and place was designated and the congregation gathered and experienced a sacred time of coming together in an intergenerational structure for seven Sunday mornings of growth.  Appreciation of each other’s differences grew and relationships became more authentic. 

                     Worship, Education, Missions 2002-2015   

WorshipAn emphasis on corporate worship remains the heart of the weekly experience for all believers.  Lay leaders are designated to assist the pastor during Sunday worship and one of several worship leaders and a worship team assists the congregation weekly in learning a variety of hymns and new songs in a variety of styles. Choir directors were hired during this time.  Every year the choir was able to perform at least two choral programs usually at Christmas and Easter. Community members are always invited and welcomed to attend these programs.  

Staying the course set by the original founders of Crossroads continues to include a commitment to the authority of Scriptures.  Stressing expository preaching with an emphasis on real life application has helped to hold members accountable with each other and to resist some of the major shifts in the main culture. 

Monthly sharing of Holy Communion is celebrated in corporate worship which eventually became known as “Family Sunday” as the children and teenagers joined adults is worship. A Children’s Choir was organized in 2013 and children participate monthly by singing the second Sunday during the worship service. 

EducationCrossroads School continued to be known for its excellence and obtained a state license to operate a full day program; however, due the economic conditions the school closed in 2010.  

Two adult Sunday School groups for women and one for men are well attended.  Study of the Bible as well as other Christian books take place in these groups and in Home Fellowship Groups which meet during the week in a variety of locations throughout the area. Seminars on advocating for your child in public school, parenting and marriage were offered to the church and community.  The Purpose Driven Life video series was a church-wide program early in the 2000s decade. 

Health Education – care of the body as the “temple of the Holy Spirit” has taken on new emphasis in recent years. Physical fitness in the form of walking began in 2010 and a Zumba exercise program was added several years later.   These programs have been popular in church and community.  In 2015 the Zumba Ministry expanded to include a monthly book club and Bible Study.     A new Diabetes Support Group adds educational options for Crossroads and the community.

Vacation Bible School is a major yearly event. Since 2007 it has become an evening school and reaches children and adults from the neighborhood as well as from Crossroads. The excellent organization and creativity, along with the opportunity to serve a light supper to those attending VBS has allowed many adult members of Crossroads to be a part of the overall program, even if they aren’t teaching directly in a class.  In addition, dramatic skits, Bible Study lessons and the joy of learning new music have inspired many adults, teenagers and children to respond to the message. The Kid’s Zone experience was reactivated in 2014 after being dormant for over 10 years for children in the church and the neighborhood. 

Sunday School and the Door-There is a children’s class for 4 and 5 year olds. Children in the  1st – 5th grades meet in a program known as the Rotation Model based on art, drama, cooking and computer applications.    The Rotation Model enables student to experience Biblical lessons in various participatory styles.

Teen program – The 10-55 experience for teens 13-18 is held during Sunday School and into the worship experience except on the first Sunday of the month.  A youth director was hired to lead the teens in focused Biblical lessons and applications which include week-end events such as the Hunger Walk and the 40 Hour Famine.  

MissionYoung people and adults continue to serve others through yearly mission trips. These mission trips have been to Jamaica; Juarez Mexico; Glenville, Georgia; Decatur, Alabama; Appalachia (Service Projects with teen volunteers) and recently yearly trips to the Dominican Republic.    Crossroads supports both domestic and foreign missions.  After years of cuts to the Mission’s budget, the budget was restored in 2014 after much prayer and budget review.  A listing of supported missionaries is on a lobby bulletin board with pictures and current information on the missionary’s ministry. The Stone Mountain Food Pantry has been a major part of Crossroads domestic missions through the last 14 years. We also support Operation Christmas Child, and fill and wrap 300-400 shoeboxes for distribution to children in many countries. 


Major Events – Transitional Years 2012-2014

      The Sudden Death of Pastor Elward Ellis-2012

On a warm Saturday on May 12, 2012, Crossroad’s pastor, Elward Ellis, was killed in a car accident in DeKalb County. Suddenly the reality of death of a beloved pastor broke into the minds and hearts of Crossroads members.  As the message was transmitted from person to person, and with the thought of the next day being Sunday (actually Mother’s Day) , members realized they would soon be together remembering and grieving over the dear one who had ministered to them for nearly 17 years. 

 The next day’s Sunday service was a time of remembering him, of singing to the Lord whom Pastor Ellis loved and grasping more fully the promise of eternal life which they had studied with him from the sacred Scriptures.    Jesus statement, “I gave them eternal life and they shall never perish.” and a further hope of the resurrection from Jesus in the book of John.”  Everyone who looks to the Son and believes has eternal life and I will raise him up on the last day.” brought the congregation great hope.  

Special times of remembrance were held in a funeral home here in the Atlanta area and also in Newark, New Jersey, his home town.  A bus was chartered to take a group of friends and family to a memorial in Newark, New Jersey to honor Pastor Ellis.  Plans were made for a Memorial Service at Fairfield Baptist Church on June 2, 2012.  Tributes came from various parts of the country and people came to the service to pay special tribute and to publicly give thanks for all that he had done through the years in several ministries.   The session of Crossroads led in arrangements along with his wife, Dawn Ellis. Pastor Ellis’ earthly life ended quickly and without warning here on Earth, but the substance of his spirit was quickly with Jesus, waiting for the glorious resurrection Jesus promises His followers. The loss of Pastor Ellis as our lead Shepherd meant changes ahead and Crossroads was ready to follow the new path laid out before it. 

        The Ministry of Rev. Barbara Hughes-2013

Interim Pastor Rev. Barbara Hughes came to Crossroads as Moderator of the Session, and then as interim pastor.  She served in ways that were very helpful and encouraging to the Crossroads community.   She led the congregation through a time of transition and grief.   Her sermons and ways of working with individual members was of comfort and she was a stabilizing force during the time that the Pastoral Nominating Committee (PNC) began working on behalf of the congregation to find a new pastor for Crossroads.  We thank God for Pastor Hughes and all she did to hold us together in community here on the corner of Panola and Redan Roads. 

  The Pastoral Nominating Committee Presents Candidate Dr. Richard Alan Farmer

       Dr. Richard Allen Farmer was presented by the PNC to the congregation as their selected nominee because of his excellent history of outstanding service to the Church of Jesus Christ.  He has served as Pastor-Teacher with a strong emphasis on expositional preaching. He also has served as College Chaplain at two Christian Colleges, and he has demonstrated exceptional talent in music  ministry which has been integrated with his itinerate international preaching ministry .The PNC  came to understand what his gifts would mean to Crossroads Church and the Atlanta community. He was a personal friend and spiritual brother of our beloved Pastor Ellis, who invited him on several occasions to minister to the congregation and his ministry, was well received. Of major importance, though, Dr. Farmer manifested a strong desire to come to Crossroads and to dedicate at least a decade of service to this church.  His willingness to serve, his willingness to use his gifts in the leadership of this expression of the “beloved community” drew the PNC, and then the Crossroads membership to affirm and give thanks that God had allowed such a meeting of the minds and hearts in the coming of a new pastor at “such a time as this”. 

        Called and Installed as Pastor of Crossroads -2014

     Dr. Farmer accepted the call of Crossroads and arrangements were made for him to begin at Crossroads on the first Sunday of January, 2014.   Pastor Farmer in his warm and caring way began immediately to know and visit the members of the congregation.  With his sincere hugs and honest questions he began his quest to really become the pastor of the people.  Rosemary Farmer, his lovely wife, was introduced to the congregation and spoke at the Women at the Crossroads lunch in early May.  Their son Timothy, who lives in Texas was introduced and welcomed by Crossroads.

     Preparations were made by the session for a celebration of the installation of Pastor Farmer as the 4th Pastor of Crossroads Church.  The Installation service was held on Saturday, September 27, 2014, with a number of the Farmer’s friends and family in attendance.  Members of the surrounding neighborhoods and friends of Pastor Farmer were invited to a celebratory “Meet our New Pastor” service of thanksgiving and a catered lunch which followed in the lovely decorated area, inside and outside of the church.  

    How thankful the Crossroads Community is to have Pastor Farmer lead us in Ministry of the Word and music and as Moderator of the Session. God has answered prayer for a wonderful pastor/teacher to follow our beloved Elward Ellis and to continue to fulfill the vision set by Godly men and women in 1974. Now a vibrant, growing and loving multicultural community of Christians pray that together they may see and experience glimpses of the Beloved Community spoken of by Martin L King, Jr. and even more important to work, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to demonstrate, on earth, the reality of the Kingdom of God that Jesus Christ inaugurated in His visit to Planet Earth.